
signed, sealed, deliverance.

it is official! as of july 28th, aural music released the following statement on their website:

LINGUA SIGNS WITH AURAL MUSIC AND ENTER STUDIO - Lingua from sweden signed a new deal with Aural Music and are currently in the studio making the new and much anticipated follow up to their 2006 debut The Smell of a Life That Could Have Been. If The Smell... was a journey inwards and an ode to the angst of passed youth, the new album breathes heavily of growth and self esteem as most members of the band pushes 30. The music has the same tone as it always has, but the energy is far more intense. This time the music isn't as much searching as it is demanding. Expect nothing but grand landscapes, big productions and, of course, emotional rock when the album hits the shelves. Til then, be sure to check out the band s blog as they update continously from the studio with diaries, pictures and other treats. www.lingua.nu - www.linguamusic.blogspot.com

any questions?
good, let's get to work then.


Tommi said...

Great news!!! Excellent, to be honest! cool cool cool!

Your first album was very nice, but I have to admit it lacks the final "kick-ass" thing, not sure what it is. Looking forward to your second album, your myspace preview is really "kick-ass" :-)

Take care and good luck with Aural music and your production!

LINGUA said...

thanks tommi! i wasn't all that pleased with the debut either. but then again: my work is to do my absolute best and then to be my own critic. so the next album will be a lot better, but will i be content? i think not, haha! /misha