
signal to noise.

welcome to this blog which will be our new home for a couple of months or more as we record our second album! we figure you have some questions, but let us ask them for you.

a new album, seriously?
yes! we know it's taken a while (read: forever), but a cotract has been signed and equipment has been bought. this baby is going to be recorded in our rehearsal room and so far it sounds great!

why a blog?
it's a perfect tool for this mission, to shed some light over our work and to let you in on the process. we also hope it's a far more interactive way to keep in touch with fans and friends. our goal is be as open as possible, please ask questions.

why not the blog on myspace?
because it sucks.

what's the name of the album? who's producing it? what label is going to release it?
all those questions have answers but will be answered in due time. be patient, as you have been for the last three years.

for now, the blog remains white, as the blank sheet of paper the album still is. but as our wrk progresses, changes are going to be made as artwork and themes are set.

welcome to what is going to the journey to a new lingua album!



greta said...

wow, I'm looking forward to a new album so impatiently! your debut was breathtaking.


LINGUA said...

amazingly fast reply! thanks greta!

greta said...

;) no biggie.

Anonymous said...

vad jettekul!
buona fortuna!