
today is the day!

today is the official release date of our latest album 'all my rivals are imaginay ghosts'. i will celebrate that with a fine cigar and some single malt. how will you celebrate?



Torsten said...

Ok, let´s look at my short personal celebration checklist:

- Order "All my Rivals..": check
- Give "The smell..." a few listens to shorten the time: check
- Get all excited: check
- Get drunk: not yet...

Enjoy this special weekend and don´t get too wasted :-)

LINGUA said...

too late!

misha's checklist:

smoke cigarrs: check.
drink good beers: check.
drink fine whiskey: check.
regret all of the above the next day: check.

but then again, it's a really good album. :)
thanks for buying the record!